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I am claiming my blog over on Bloglovin. I really like the way it lets you search for blogs that you want to follow. Hopefully I will get back to some regular posts!!
Downstairs, Quilting
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Catching Up!
I haven't posted anything since the July Schnibble. I've experienced problems with Blogger. When I try to log in, I keep getting an error code. Then I figured out that if I would follow someone new, I could back into my dashboard that way. Only problem there was to keep finding new blogs that I liked well enough to follow! After I had commented on a blog one day, I clicked on the blogger symbol, and that got me access. Sooo, that is what I've been doing lately. I have been making progress on some projects! (Insert applause here!)
I worked on this minkee throw during some of our hottest weather. I bought the kit on shop hop last year, but had a few obstacles to getting it finished. First off, I could not find my walking foot. I even checked into buying a new one, but for $100+, I thought I could look harder. And, I found it. The next problem was getting it to feed through my machine. It just was not working, so I shelved it again for a while. After thinking abouut it, I ended up starting in the middle, and working to the end for the first 2 or three strips. After that it was a piece of cake. I machine stitched the binding without too much trouble, and viola, it is done. I love the softness of it, and it is really, really warm. It will be great if we ever have a power outage.
Hopefully I will post again soon with some more of my latest and greatest!
Thanks for reading along,
Friday, August 31, 2012
Eva goes to the Dime Store
I got my August Schnibble finished this afternoon. I made the mistake of thinking that it was the easiest one to date. Of course, that jinxed me! Somehow, I used the smaller leftover strips for the middle of the strip sets, and didn't figure that out until after I subcut them!! Ugh!!! That really dampened my enthusiasm, but I plugged away and got her finished. I've had these Eva charm packs for a while, and just happened to buy the pink grunge fabric about six weeks ago. I think the combination works well.
This would make a really cute quilt for a little girl. And, this really is an easy pattern to put together!
Monday, July 30, 2012
July Schnibbles on the Road
Well, Roadshow, that is! What with the current granny square rage that is going on around the web, I thought I would join in just a little. I used the Moda Collection for a Cause Friendship, with a little Flag Day Farm for the outer border and another Moda piece for the inner sashing. I was fun to make, and decide what fabrics to use in each block. It is interesting to look at the photo and really see how the combinations work, or not! Thanks to my friend Linda who helped with the layout on our guild work day.
Zebra Shorts
I made mention on my last post about a special pair of shorts for my husband. Our local hospital has an annual golf tournament, and the team DH plays on usually has some sort of dress code. This year the team sponsor got pink shirts for everyone. DH was with me at the quilt store one day and found some pink and black zebra fabric, and asked me to make me a pair of shorts to wear with the shirt. I wasn't really crazy about the idea, but after I thought about it, decided to give it a shot. Wisely, DH thought I should make a test pair, which I did out of some golf fabric that I just happened to have laying around. Imagine that!! Good thing, since he did not like the way the shorts fit. I found a Kwik-Sew pattern, 2nd of only two available patterns for men's shorts without elastic waist, and was back in business. After only one major screw-up, I got them finished in time.

Here he is the morning of the tournament. The shirt does not really go with the bright pink of the shorts, but he did get a lot of compliments, and everyone was really impressed when they found out that I actually made them for him! He even said that they fit better than his very expensive Loud Mouth shorts, so I guess they were worth the effort!
Here he is the morning of the tournament. The shirt does not really go with the bright pink of the shorts, but he did get a lot of compliments, and everyone was really impressed when they found out that I actually made them for him! He even said that they fit better than his very expensive Loud Mouth shorts, so I guess they were worth the effort!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Leap Year? Already?
I know time flies, but really, leap year? Or could that just be the Scnibble for June? Oh, yes, that's it! This was an extremely easy pattern, but, of course I piddled around, and made it last a lot longer than necessary! I used a Benartex line called Heritage for this Schnibble.
As you can see from the background, it has been quite dry here, and yes, my porch does need to be painted.
That's it for now. I hope to have some pics to show of my latest project, pink-and-black zebra shorts for my husband. Don't ask, I'll just have to explain it to you!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
America the Beautiful
This is my America the Beautiful quilt. I started it about a year ago, for a guild project; it was in McCall's quilting magazine last year as an installment each issue. I wasn't going to make this quilt, but my friend talked me into. I started out a couple of issues behind, but got caught up until the 4th part. It was so hard deciding what fabrics and colors to use for every part, I just put it away. One of the ladies finished hers, and now I am inspired to finish mine.
what's left? The four big, white spaces are two rows of HSTs. I don't know what colors I want to use. Also, There are several strips necessary to make everything fit together. Again, not sure what I should do. Any suggestions?
I was hoping to maybe finish up this weekend, but I don't think that is going to happen. Tomorrow I need to get ready for a machine quilting class on Monday that Paula Reid is teaching. I'm hoping she can give me some confidence to start quilting my filmsys. ( Is that a word?) : )
This is Cissy. She looks innocent, doesn't she?
This is what she did as she passed by. Just a little skip! Well, I better get back to my project, it won't sew itself! Besides, it's 93 outside, so a good day to be inside at the sewing machine.
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